miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016

Fur Bible, la aventura más desconocida de Kid y Patricia

The least known Kid & Patricia adventure

Kid Congo Powers (nombre original Brian Tristan) y Patricia Morrison (nombre original Patricia Rainone) tienen historias similares en el mundo de la música en su paso fugaz y cíclico por distintas bandas de culto, una trayectoria en la que alguna vez se han cruzado. Ambos participaron en la primera eclosión del punk en Estados Unidos, Patricia como miembro de la primera formación de The Bags, y Kid Congo fundando junto a Jeffrey Lee Pierce esa gloriosa mezcla loca de punk-blues que fueron The Gun Club, a los que se uniría parte de The Bags y más tarde la propia Patricia. Cuando The Gun Club atravesó una de sus muchas disoluciones, algo que tuvo que ver bastante con la cantidad de drogas y alcohol ingeridas por sus miembros, Kid Congo y Patricia se juntaron en un breve proyecto rocker-gótico bautizado como Fur Bible, que únicamente publicó en 1985 una grabación de 3 canciones y giró brevemente antes de funcionar eventualmente como banda para el sin par The Legendary Stardust Cowboy (aquel desquiciado y autoparódico personaje que inspiró en parte a Bowie para su Ziggy Stardust), para luego pasar a otras etapas. Kid, que en sus inicios ya había sido miembro de los Cramps, pasó a integrarse en la etapa berlinesa de Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Patricia fue reclutada como miembro de aquellos Sisters Of Mercy que tuvieron cierta repercusión comercial. Actualmente y tras otras muchas colaboraciones Kid Congo regenta su propia banda, Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds, y Patricia se ha retirado despues de participar en la histórica banda punk The Damned con cuyo cantante, Dave Vanian, está casada.

Kid Congo Powers (real name Brian Tristan) and Patricia Morrison (real name Patricia Rainone) have similar stories in the world of music as fleeting and cyclic members of some cult bands, a path in which they even crossed. Both were part of the first emergence of punk in the United States, Patricia as part of the first formation of The Bags, and Kid Congo as founder along Jeffrey Lee Pierce of that glorious insane mix of punk-blues that were The Gun Club, which was joined by part of The Bags and later Patricia herself. When The Gun Club went through one of its many splits, something that had a lot to do with the amount of drugs and alcohol consumed by its members, Kid Congo and Patricia formed together a short lived goth-rocker project named Fur Bible, which only published in 1985 a recording of 3 songs and played a few shows before working eventually as backing band for the Legendary Stardust Cowboy (that deranged and self-parody character who in part inspired Bowie for his Ziggy Stardust), then moving on to other projects. Kid, who had already been a member of The Cramps, was integrated in the Berlin times of Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds. Patricia was recruited as a member of Sisters Of Mercy, a band wich had some commercial impact. Currently, and after many other collaborations Kid Congo runs his own band, Kid Congo & The Pink Monkey Birds, and Patricia has retired after being part of the historical punk band The Damned with whose singer, Dave Vanian, she is married.

Fur Bible·'Plunder The Tombs'
Fur Bible·'Fumble Fist'
Fur Bible Live 1
Fur Bible Live 2
Fur Bible - Plunder The Thombs (Experimental Video)